100+ Traditional English Boy Names with Meanings

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This article focuses on traditional English boy names along with their meanings. These names not only carry historical significance but also reflect the culture and traditions of the English-speaking world. From sophisticated names like “William” and “Edward” to robust ones like “Arthur” and “Richard,” each name bears a story, marking a close connection between the past and the present, making them popular choices for many parents today. Exploring the rich history and meanings behind these names can offer valuable insights into the roots and heritage of English naming customs for those seeking a timeless and meaningful name for their baby boy.

100+ Traditional English Boy Names with Meanings

No. Name Meaning
1 William Resolute protection
2 James Supplanter
3 John God is gracious
4 George Farmer
5 Charles Free man
6 Henry Ruler of the household
7 Joseph God will increase
8 Edward Wealthy guardian
9 Thomas Twin
10 Arthur Bear
11 Robert Bright fame
12 Daniel God is my judge
13 Richard Brave ruler
14 Samuel Name of God
15 Benjamin Son of the right hand
16 Peter Rock
17 Stephen Crown
18 Andrew Manly
19 Patrick Nobleman
20 Jonathan God has given
21 David Beloved
22 Michael Who is like God
23 Matthew Gift of God
24 Anthony Priceless one
25 Christopher Christ-bearer
26 Paul Small
27 Mark Warlike
28 Donald World leader
29 Alan Handsome
30 Kenneth Handsome
31 Brian High and noble
32 Dennis Wild or frenzied
33 Douglas Dark water
34 Eric Eternal ruler
35 Gerald Spear ruler
36 Gregory Watchful, alert
37 Harold Leader
38 Howard Brave heart
39 Jeremy God will uplift
40 Martin Warlike
41 Norman Man from the north
42 Phillip Lover of horses
43 Raymond Wise protector
44 Ronald Ruler’s counselor
45 Russell Little red one
46 Scott Wanderer
47 Simon God has heard
48 Victor Conqueror
49 Walter Ruler of the army
50 Adrian Rich
51 Desmond Gracious defender
52 Eugene Well born
53 Frank Free man
54 Gilbert Bright pledge
55 Hubert Bright mind
56 Julian Youthful
57 Laurence From Laurentum
58 Maurice Dark-skinned
59 Oswald God’s power
60 Quentin Fifth
61 Reynard Strong counselor
62 Seymour From Saint-Maur
63 Theodore Gift of God
64 Vincent Conquering
65 Wallace Welshman
66 Wilfred Desiring peace
67 Adrian Dark
68 Alvin Noble friend
69 Arnold Eagle power
70 Benedict Blessed
71 Carlton Free men’s town
72 Donovan Dark warrior
73 Edmund Prosperous protector
74 Ferdinand Bold voyager
75 Godfrey God’s peace
76 Hamilton Beautiful mountain
77 Irwin Sea friend
78 Jasper Treasurer
79 Kelby Farm by the spring
80 Lester Fortified place
81 Mortimer Dead sea
82 Nigel Dark cloud
83 Odell Woad hill
84 Percival Pierced valley
85 Reginald Advice ruler
86 Selwyn Friend in the house
87 Terence Smooth
88 Ulric Power of the wolf
89 Valentine Strong, vigorous
90 Waylon Land by the road
91 Xenon Guest
92 Yardley Enclosed meadow
93 Zebulon Dwelling of honor
94 Abbott Father
95 Baldwin Bold friend
96 Cameron Bent nose
97 Darcy Dark one
98 Edmund Prosperous protector
99 Fabian Bean grower
100 Gabriel God is my strength

Read more: Most Popular English Names for Boys 

Why Choose Traditional English Boy Names for Your Baby

Choosing traditional English boy names holds cultural and historical significance, reflecting the rich heritage and values of the English-speaking world. These names carry a timeless charm and often come with deep-rooted meanings, serving as a link to the past and embodying a sense of stability and familiarity. Traditional names also have enduring popularity, ensuring that your child’s name remains classic and respected across generations. Additionally, these names often convey a sense of dignity and honor, instilling a sense of pride and confidence in the child’s identity and cultural background.

In conclusion

In conclusion, traditional English boy names offer a timeless and culturally rich choice for parents. Rooted in history and conveying dignity, these names provide a strong sense of identity and pride for the child. Their enduring popularity ensures a lasting and respected legacy, fostering a connection to the past while embracing the present. Choosing a traditional English name for your baby boy can be a meaningful way to honor cultural heritage and instill a sense of heritage and tradition from an early age.

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