200+ Traditional English Girl Names with Meanings

by Sophia Roberts

Traditional English girl names carry a legacy of elegance and grace, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of generations. From timeless classics to charming vintage names, these monikers encapsulate the essence of English heritage and tradition. Delve into a collection that embodies the spirit of timeless sophistication, each name holding a unique significance and history. Explore the meanings behind these traditional gems, and embrace the beauty of English naming traditions that have endured the test of time.

200+ Traditional English Girl Names with Meanings

No. Name Meaning
1 Abigail Father’s joy
2 Alice Noble
3 Amelia Work
4 Anna Gracious
5 Beatrice Voyager
6 Charlotte Free
7 Clara Bright
8 Dorothy Gift of God
9 Edith Prosperous in war
10 Eleanor Bright, shining one
11 Elizabeth God is abundance
12 Emily To excel or to rival
13 Emma Whole or universal
14 Esther Star
15 Evelyn Desired, or life
16 Florence Flourishing
17 Frances Free
18 Georgia Farmer
19 Grace Grace
20 Harriet Ruler of the home
21 Helen Bright, shining light
22 Isabella Devoted to God
23 Jane God is gracious
24 Josephine God will increase
25 Julia Youthful
26 Katherine Pure
27 Laura Laurel, or sweet bay tree
28 Lillian Lily
29 Lucy Light
30 Margaret Pearl
31 Mary Sea of bitterness
32 Matilda Strength in battle
33 Maud Strength in battle
34 Mildred Gentle strength
35 Olive Olive tree
36 Pearl Pearl
37 Rachel Ewe
38 Rebecca Servant of God
39 Rose Rose
40 Ruth Companion
41 Sarah Princess
42 Sophia Wisdom
43 Susanna Lily
44 Violet Violet
45 Winifred Blessed peace
46 Agnes Pure
47 Alberta Noble, bright
48 Alexandra Defender of mankind
49 Alice Noble
50 Alma Nourishing
51 Amy Beloved
52 Annabel Lovable
53 Audrey Noble strength
54 Barbara Stranger
55 Bernice Bringer of victory
56 Bessie God is my oath
57 Blanche White, fair
58 Bridget Strength
59 Caroline Free man
60 Cassandra Shining upon man
61 Cecilia Blind
62 Charity Love
63 Christine Follower of Christ
64 Constance Constant, steadfast
65 Cordelia Heart, daughter of the sea
66 Daisy Day’s eye
67 Deborah Bee
68 Dora Gift
69 Doris Gift
70 Edna Renewer
71 Eileen Bright, shining one
72 Eliza God is my oath
73 Ellen Bright, shining light
74 Elsie God is my oath
75 Enid Soul, life
76 Ethel Noble
77 Eudora Good gift
78 Eunice Good victory
79 Eva Life
80 Eve Life
81 Fanny Free
82 Flora Flower
83 Freda Peaceful ruler
84 Gwendolyn Blessed ring
85 Hattie Ruler of the home
86 Henrietta Keeper of the hearth
87 Hilda Battle woman
88 Hortense Garden
89 Ida Labor, work
90 Inez Chaste
91 Irene Peace
92 Iris Rainbow
93 Ivy Ivy plant
94 Janet God’s gracious gift
95 Jean God is gracious
96 Jessie Wealthy
97 Josephine God will increase
98 Joyce Rejoice
99 Judith Woman from Judea
100 Julia Youthful
101 June Sixth month of the year
102 Kathleen Pure
103 Katrina Pure
104 Laura Laurel, or sweet bay tree
105 Lavinia Purified
106 Lillian Lily
107 Linda Pretty
108 Lois Better
109 Lorena Crowned with laurel
110 Lorraine From Lorraine
111 Louise Famous warrior
112 Lucille Light
113 Lydia From Lydia
114 Mabel Lovable
115 Madeline Woman from Magdala
116 Mavis Song thrush
117 Mildred Gentle strength
118 Minerva Of the mind
119 Miriam Bitterness
120 Monica To advise
121 Myra Sweet fragrance
122 Naomi Pleasant
123 Nellie Bright one
124 Norma From the north
125 Olive Olive tree
126 Opal Jewel
127 Pamela All honey
128 Patience Patience
129 Paula Small
130 Pauline Small
131 Pearl Pearl
132 Penelope Weaver
133 Priscilla Ancient
134 Rachel Ewe
135 Ramona Protecting hands
136 Rebecca Servant of God
137 Regina Queen
138 Rhoda Rose
139 Rosalind Pretty rose
140 Rosamond Horse protection
141 Rosanna Gracious rose
142 Rosetta Little rose
143 Rowena Fame and joy
144 Roxanne Dawn
145 Ruby Red gemstone
146 Sabrina From the river Severn
147 Sadie Princess
148 Sally Princess
149 Samantha Listener
150 Sara Princess
151 Selma God’s helmet
152 Selina Moon
153 Sheila Blind
154 Shelagh Blind
155 Sheri Beloved
156 Sheryl Beloved
157 Shirley Bright meadow
158 Sibyl Prophetess
159 Sophia Wisdom
160 Stella Star
161 Susan Lily
162 Suzanne Lily
163 Sylvia Of the woods
164 Tabitha Gazelle
165 Teresa Harvester
166 Thelma Nursing
167 Thelma Will, volition
168 Theodora God’s gift
169 Theresa Harvester
170 Thomasina Twin
171 Tiffany Epiphany
172 Tillie Powerful in battle
173 Tina Little one
174 Trudy Universal strength
175 Una Lamb
176 Ursula Little female bear
177 Valerie Strength, health
178 Vanessa Butterfly
179 Veronica True image
180 Vicky Conqueror
181 Victoria Victory
182 Viola Violet
183 Vivian Alive
184 Wanda Wanderer
185 Wendy Holy, blessed reconciliation
186 Wilhelmina Will, helmet
187 Winifred Blessed peace
188 Yvonne Yew
189 Zelda Gray fighting maid
190 Zelma Helmet of God
191 Zilpah Trickling
192 Zina Hospitable
193 Zita Seeker
194 Zoe Life
195 Zona Belt, girdle
196 Zora Dawn
197 Zula Brilliant
198 Zuri Beautiful
199 Ada Noble
200 Adela Noble

Read more: Most Popular English Names for Girls with Meanings

In conclusion

In conclusion, these traditional English girl names embody a timeless elegance and heritage, reflecting a rich tapestry of cultural significance and enduring grace. Each name, steeped in history and tradition, carries its own unique charm and meaning, resonating with the timeless beauty of English naming customs. Whether derived from nature, virtues, or historical roots, these names stand as a testament to the lasting appeal and significance of traditional English nomenclature, serving as timeless choices for generations to come.

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