Choosing a name for a newborn is a momentous decision, often imbued with cultural and familial significance. In the vast array of Muslim baby girl names, those commencing with the letter ‘M’ hold a unique charm and depth of meaning. These names not only reflect the rich tapestry of Islamic heritage but also carry individual significance and symbolism. From traditional choices to more contemporary options, Muslim baby girl names starting with ‘M’ offer a diverse range of beautiful and meaningful possibilities. In this exploration, we delve into a curated list of such names, each with its distinct essence and cultural resonance, guiding parents in the timeless endeavor of naming their precious daughters.
120+ Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting with M
No. | Name | Meaning | Arabic |
1 | Ma | Water | ماء |
2 | Ma’isah | Walking with a proud, swinging gait | معصة |
3 | Maajidah | Glorious | ماجدة |
4 | Maalikah | Queen, Princess | مالكة |
5 | Maariya | Uncertain, maybe bitter | مارية |
6 | Mahbubah | Beloved | محبوبة |
7 | Mahdi | Guided one | مهدي |
8 | Mahfoozah | Protected | محفوظة |
9 | Mahfoozhah | Preserved, protected | محفوظة |
10 | Mahmoodah | Praiseworthy | محمودة |
11 | Mahmudah | Praiseworthy | محمودة |
12 | Mahpari | Moon-faced | مهبة |
13 | Mahtabi | Moonlight | مهتاب |
14 | Maimoona | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
15 | Madihah | Praiseworthy | مديحة |
16 | Maimoonah | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
17 | Maimuna | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
18 | Maimunah | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
19 | Maisa | Walking with a proud, swinging gait | ميسا |
20 | Majeeda | Glorious | مجيدة |
21 | Majida | Glorious | ماجدة |
22 | Makaarim | Beautiful | مكارم |
23 | Makarim | Generous | مكارم |
24 | Maknoonah | Hidden, Concealed | مكنونة |
25 | Malaak | Angel, Messenger of God | ملاك |
26 | Mahjubah | Veiled, Covered | محجوبة |
27 | Malaeka | Angel, Messenger of God | ملائكة |
28 | Malaka | Angel, Messenger of God | ملاك |
29 | Malakah | Queen, Princess | ملاكة |
30 | Malayka | Angel, Messenger of God | ملايكة |
31 | Maleeka | Queen, Princess | مليكة |
32 | Maleekah | Queen, Princess | مليكة |
33 | Maleika | Queen, Princess | مليكة |
34 | Maliha | Beautiful | مليحة |
35 | Malihah | Beautiful | مليحة |
36 | Majeedah | Glorious | مجيدة |
37 | Malikka | Queen, Princess | ملكة |
38 | Malyka | Queen, Princess | مليكة |
39 | Man’nah | Grant, Gift | منحة |
40 | Manar | Guiding light | منار |
41 | Manizah | Hidden, Concealed | منيزة |
42 | Mansha | Ambition | منشى |
43 | Mansoorah | Aided, Victorious | منصورة |
44 | Manaal | Achievement, Attainment | منال |
45 | Maram | Aspiration, Wish | مرام |
46 | Marjanah | Precious gem | مرجانة |
47 | Maruff | Favorable, Beneficial | معروف |
48 | Maryam | Arabic form of Mary, Mother of Isa (Jesus) | مريم |
49 | Mas’ouda | Happy, Lucky | مسعودة |
50 | Mateenah | Strong, Firm | متينة |
51 | Matinah | Strong, Solid | متينة |
52 | Mawiya | The sun’s rays | ماوية |
53 | Maymunah | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
54 | Maysa | To walk with a proud, swinging gait | ميسا |
55 | Maysaa | To walk with a proud, swinging gait | ميساء |
56 | Maysun | Of beautiful face and body | ميسن |
57 | Mashahudah | Witness | مشاهدة |
58 | Mayyada | To walk with a proud, swinging gait | ميادة |
59 | Mayyadah | To walk with a proud, swinging gait | ميادة |
60 | Medina | City of the Prophet | المدينة |
61 | Meeza | One who lives together in happiness | ميزة |
62 | Mehar | Kindness | محب |
63 | Mehnaz | Pride of the moon | مهناز |
64 | Mehreen | Lovable | مهرين |
65 | Mehrunissa | Sun of women | مهرونيسا |
66 | Mehul | Rain | ميهول |
67 | Menaal | Special flower | منال |
68 | Mihrbano | Kind and loving | مهربانو |
69 | Mihrmah | Moon-like face | مهرمه |
70 | Mehanaz | Pride of the moon | مهناز |
71 | Mirza | Prince | ميرزا |
72 | Mishel | Gift of love | ميشيل |
73 | Miskeenah | Humble | مسكينة |
74 | Mocha | Attractive | موكا |
75 | Mohammad | Praiseworthy | محمد |
76 | Muadhah | Protected | مؤذه |
77 | Mubaarakah | Blessed, Prosperous | مباركة |
78 | Mubashshara | Good news | مبشرة |
79 | Mubeenah | Clear, Evident | مبينة |
80 | Mugheethah | Helper, Assistant | مغيثة |
81 | Muhasinah | Beautiful | محسنة |
82 | Muhjah | Competent | محجة |
83 | Muhsinah | Beneficient, Charitable | محسنة |
84 | Mujahida | Striving for the cause of Allah | مجاهدة |
85 | Mubinah | Clear, Evident | مبينة |
86 | Mujibah | Responsive | مجيبة |
87 | Mukarramah | Honored, Respected | مكرمة |
88 | Muminah | Believer | مؤمنة |
89 | Muna | Wish, Desire | منى |
90 | Madeeha | Praiseworthy | مديحة |
91 | Mahek | Sweet fragrance | مهيك |
92 | Muhsina | Doer of good | محسنة |
93 | Mahlah | Forehead | محلا |
94 | Mahru | Pleasant | محرو |
95 | Maimouna | Auspicious, Blessed | ميمونة |
96 | Maizah | Discerning | ميزة |
97 | Majidah | Glorious | مجيدة |
98 | Makhdumah | Educated, Cultured | مخدومة |
99 | Malak | Angel | ملاك |
100 | Maleehah | Beautiful | مليحة |
101 | Munawwarah | Illuminated | منورة |
102 | Malieka | Angel, Messenger of God | ملئكة |
103 | Mallak | Angel, Messenger of God | ملاك |
104 | Manaar | Guiding light | منار |
105 | Maraam | Aspiration, Wish | مرام |
106 | Mashhoodah | Witnessed | مشهودة |
107 | Mawiyah | The sun’s rays | موية |
108 | Maysoon | Of beautiful face and body | ميسن |
109 | Melek | Angel | ملاك |
110 | Mihrunnisa | Sun of women | مهرونيسا |
111 | Mismah | Smile | مسمة |
112 | Mouna | Wish, Desire | منى |
113 | Mubassirah | Bright, Shining | مبصرة |
114 | Mufidah | Useful, Beneficial | مفيدة |
115 | Mufeeda | Useful, Beneficial | مفيدة |
116 | Muhja | Competent | محجة |
117 | Mujeebah | Responder | مجيبة |
118 | Mumtaz | Distinguished | ممتاز |
119 | Mukarrmah | Honored, Respected | المكرمه |
120 | Maahirah | Skilled | ماهر |
Read more: Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting with L
In conclusion
In conclusion, the journey through Muslim baby girl names beginning with the letter ‘M’ unveils a treasury of culturally rich and spiritually resonant options for parents seeking a meaningful moniker for their daughters. Each name carries a story, a legacy, and a connection to the diverse traditions within the Islamic world. Whether one is drawn to the classic elegance of Maryam or the poetic beauty of Muneera, these names reflect not only cultural heritage but also values and aspirations for the future. As parents navigate the profound responsibility of naming their child, the ‘M’ names serve as a bridge between tradition and modernity, offering a plethora of choices that celebrate the unique identity and significance of each precious life.
Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.