Selecting a fitting name for your newborn boy holds significant importance in Muslim culture. When considering names starting with “R,” one encounters a plethora of meaningful options. From the timeless “Rashid,” signifying guidance, to the noble “Rafiq,” representing friendship, each name carries a unique cultural and spiritual significance. The richness of these names reflects the values and aspirations cherished within Muslim communities. By exploring this diverse collection, parents can find a name that not only honors their heritage but also encapsulates their hopes and blessings for their son’s future.
90+ Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with R
No. | Name | Meaning | Arabic |
1 | Raafi | Exalted | رافع |
2 | Raahil | Path guider | راحل |
3 | Raamis | Good looking | رامس |
4 | Raashid | Major, mature | راشد |
5 | Rabee | Spring | ربيع |
6 | Radee | Satisfied | راضي |
7 | Radwan | Content, satisfied | رضوان |
8 | Raees | Rich, Wealthy | رئيس |
9 | Raem | One who has a desire | رائم |
10 | Raes | Leader | رئيس |
11 | Rafan | Beautiful, Graceful | رفان |
12 | Rafee | High, Sublime | رفيع |
13 | Rafi | Noble | رفيق |
14 | Rafid | Support, prop | رافد |
15 | Rafif | Glittering, shining | رفيف |
16 | Rafiq | Kind, Friend | رفيق |
17 | Raghib | Desiring | راغب |
18 | Raghid | Pleasant | رغيد |
19 | Ragheed | Comfort | راحد |
20 | Rahat | Rest, Comfort | راحة |
21 | Raheeb | Merciful | رحيب |
22 | Rahil | Path guider | راحل |
23 | Rahim | Merciful, Compassionate | رحيم |
24 | Rahm | Mercy | رحم |
25 | Rahman | Merciful, Compassionate | رحمن |
26 | Rahmat | Blessing | رحمة |
27 | Rai | Trust, Confidence | رائع |
28 | Raif | Merciful, Gentle | رئيف |
29 | Rais | Captain, leader | رئيس |
30 | Rajab | Seventh month of the Muslim lunar calendar | رجب |
31 | Rajeh | One who rules | راجح |
32 | Raji | Hoping, full of hope | راجي |
33 | Rajih | Having the upper hand | راجح |
34 | Rajiyy | Hoping, full of hope | راجي |
35 | Rajul | Man | رجل |
36 | Rakib | Observer | راقب |
37 | Rakin | Respectful | راكن |
38 | Rameez | Symbol | رمز |
39 | Rami | Loving | رامي |
40 | Ramis | Beautiful | رامس |
41 | Ramiz | Symbol | رامز |
42 | Rammal | Strong, Stout | رمال |
43 | Ramzi | Symbolic | رمزي |
44 | Rana | To gaze, look | رنا |
45 | Rania | Gazing | رانيا |
46 | Rani | To gaze, look | راني |
47 | Rashaad | Integrity | رشاد |
48 | Rashad | Integrity, Righteous | رشاد |
49 | Rashid | Rightly guided | رشيد |
50 | Rasim | Planner | رسم |
51 | Rasmi | Official | رسمي |
52 | Rasyad | Success | رشيد |
53 | Rasyid | Well-guided | رشيد |
54 | Ratin | Composed, Calm | راطن |
55 | Raudhah | Garden in Paradise | روضة |
56 | Raul | Attendant | رؤول |
57 | Razi | Willing, Satisfied | راضي |
58 | Razif | The one who takes care | رازف |
59 | Raziq | Provider | رازق |
60 | Razzaq | Provider, Cherisher | رزاق |
61 | Redha | Contentment | رضا |
62 | Reehan | Fragrant, Sweet-smelling | ريحان |
63 | Reeham | Rain, drizzle | ريحام |
64 | Rehan | Scented | ريحان |
65 | Reza | Pleasure, contentment | رضا |
66 | Rida | Goodwill, Acceptance | رضا |
67 | Ridha | Pleasure, Contentment | رضا |
68 | Ridhwan | Acceptance | رضوان |
69 | Rifaat | Elevation | رفعت |
70 | Rifat | High rank | رفعة |
71 | Riffat | High rank | رفعة |
72 | Rihab | Vastness | رهب |
73 | Rihaid | Support | رهيد |
74 | Rihan | Fragrance | ريحان |
75 | Riham | Light rain | ريهام |
76 | Riyaadh | Garden | رياض |
77 | Riyaad | Garden | رياض |
78 | Riyad | Gardens | رياض |
79 | Rizq | Livelihood | رزق |
80 | Robeel | Loving | ربيل |
81 | Romaan | Hopeful | رومان |
82 | Roshan | Bright, Illuminated | روشان |
83 | Rouh | Soul | روح |
84 | Ruhaan | Spiritual | روحان |
85 | Ruhan | Spiritual | روحان |
86 | Ruhul | Soul | روح ال |
87 | Ruqay | Spell, Charm | رقية |
88 | Rusydi | Happy | رشدي |
89 | Ruzain | Enthusiasm | رزين |
90 | Ruzaini | Enthusiastic | رزيني |
91 | Ruzainin | Enthusiastic | رزينين |
92 | Ruzainy | Enthusiastic | رزيني |
93 | Ruzaifa | Dainty | رزيفة |
Read more: Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with Q
In conclusion
In conclusion, the diverse array of over 90 Muslim baby boy names starting with the letter “R” embodies the richness and depth of Islamic culture and tradition. Each name carries its own unique significance, reflecting attributes such as strength, virtue, guidance, and spirituality. These names not only hold a deep connection to the faith but also signify the hopes and aspirations parents have for their sons. With this list, families can find inspiration and guidance in selecting a meaningful and auspicious name for their newborns, rooted in the timeless values and principles upheld by the Muslim community.
Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.