100+ Most Popular Venezuelan Boy Names

by Sophia Roberts

Finding the perfect name for your baby boy can be exciting yet challenging. In Venezuela, popular names blend tradition with modern influences. Here’s a list of the most popular Venezuelan boy names to inspire you.

100+ Most Popular Venezuelan Boy Names

No. Name Venezuelan Equivalent Meaning
1 Alejandro Alejandro Defender of mankind
2 Andrés Andrés Manly, brave
3 Antonio Antonio Priceless, highly praiseworthy
4 Carlos Carlos Free man
5 Cristian Cristian Follower of Christ
6 Daniel Daniel God is my judge
7 David David Beloved
8 Diego Diego Teacher
9 Eduardo Eduardo Wealthy guardian
10 Emilio Emilio Rival
11 Enrique Enrique Ruler of the home
12 Esteban Esteban Crown, garland
13 Felipe Felipe Lover of horses
14 Fernando Fernando Bold voyager
15 Francisco Francisco Free man
16 Gabriel Gabriel God is my strength
17 Gustavo Gustavo Staff of the gods
18 Hector Hector Holding fast
19 Isaac Isaac Laughter
20 Ivan Iván God is gracious
21 Jaime Jaime Supplanter
22 Javier Javier New house
23 Jesús Jesús Savior
24 Jorge Jorge Farmer
25 José José God will increase
26 Juan Juan God is gracious
27 Leonardo Leonardo Brave lion
28 Luis Luis Famous warrior
29 Manuel Manuel God is with us
30 Marco Marco Warlike
31 Mario Mario Male, manly
32 Mateo Mateo Gift of God
33 Miguel Miguel Who is like God?
34 Nicolás Nicolás Victory of the people
35 Omar Omar Flourishing, life-giving
36 Pablo Pablo Small, humble
37 Pedro Pedro Rock, stone
38 Rafael Rafael God has healed
39 Raúl Raúl Wise wolf
40 Ricardo Ricardo Brave ruler
41 Roberto Roberto Bright fame
42 Samuel Samuel Heard by God
43 Santiago Santiago Saint James
44 Sebastián Sebastián Venerable
45 Sergio Sergio Attendant
46 Tomás Tomás Twin
47 Vicente Vicente Conquering
48 Victor Victor Victor, conqueror
49 William William Resolute protector
50 Yorman Yorman Unique, original
51 Adriel Adriel Flock of God
52 Alexander Alejandro Defender of mankind
53 Alonso Alonso Noble and ready
54 Álvaro Álvaro Guardian
55 Armando Armando Soldier
56 Ariel Ariel Lion of God
57 Benito Benito Blessed
58 Blas Blas Stammerer
59 Boris Boris Warrior
60 Braulio Braulio Armored
61 Bruno Bruno Brown, shielded
62 Camilo Camilo Young ceremonial attendant
63 César César Long-haired
64 Claudio Claudio Lame
65 Dario Darío Gift
66 Demetrio Demetrio Follower of Demeter
67 Eugenio Eugenio Well-born, noble
68 Federico Federico Peaceful ruler
69 Flavio Flavio Yellowish, golden
70 Gastón Gastón Guest
71 Genaro Genaro Generous
72 Guillermo Guillermo Resolute protector
73 Hugo Hugo Mind, intellect
74 Ismael Ismael God hears
75 Joaquín Joaquín Raised by God
76 Julián Julián Youthful
77 Lorenzo Lorenzo Laurelled
78 Martín Martín Warrior
79 Maximiliano Maximiliano Greatest
80 Moisés Moisés Drawn out of the water
81 Néstor Néstor Navigator
82 Octavio Octavio Eighth
83 Renato Renato Rebirth
84 Rogelio Rogelio Famous warrior
85 Rubén Rubén Behold, a son
86 Salvatore Salvatore Savior
87 Salvador Salvador Savior
88 Aitor Aitor Good news
89 Benjamín Benjamín Son of the right hand
90 Braian Braian Strong, brave
91 Darío Darío Gift
92 Héctor Héctor Holding fast
93 Iván Iván God is gracious
94 Jeremías Jeremías Exalted of the Lord
95 Marcos Marcos Warlike
96 Ramón Ramón Protector
97 Valentín Valentín Strong, healthy
98 Víctor Víctor Victor, conqueror
99 Yerson Yerson Brave, courageous
100 Yeray Yeray Brave, courageous
101 Zachary Zachary Remembered by God
102 Alan Alan Rock, handsome

Read more: Most Popular Venezuelan Girl Names

In conclusion,

Venezuelan boy names offer a unique mix of tradition, culture, and modern appeal. Whether you’re drawn to a classic or contemporary name, this list provides plenty of meaningful options to help you find the perfect name for your baby boy.

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