Naming a baby girl in Tajik culture is a deeply meaningful tradition. This list unveils the most popular Tajik names for girls, each rich with cultural significance.
100+ Most Popular Tajik Names for Girls
No. | Name | Tajik Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Zuhra | Зухра | Venus, the morning star |
2 | Dilrabo | Дилрабо | Captivating |
3 | Parvina | Парвина | Light, radiance |
4 | Malika | Малика | Queen |
5 | Gulnora | Гулнора | Flower light |
6 | Firuza | Фирӯза | Turquoise |
7 | Munira | Мунира | Radiant |
8 | Zarina | Зарина | Golden |
9 | Safiya | Сафия | Pure |
10 | Nigina | Нигина | Jewel |
11 | Nargis | Наргис | Narcissus flower |
12 | Shahnoza | Шаҳноза | Royal beauty |
13 | Shohista | Шоҳиста | Beautiful |
14 | Madina | Мадина | City (often refers to Medina) |
15 | Mahbuba | Маҳбуба | Beloved |
16 | Mavluda | Мавлуда | Born, birth |
17 | Nilufar | Нилуфар | Water lily |
18 | Nasiba | Насиба | Fate, destiny |
19 | Aziza | Азиза | Precious, dear |
20 | Gulchehra | Гулчеҳра | Flower face |
21 | Farzona | Фарзона | Intelligent |
22 | Nozima | Нозима | Well-organized |
23 | Surayo | Сурайё | Pleiades star cluster |
24 | Zarnigor | Зарнигор | Gold gaze |
25 | Shahzoda | Шаҳзода | Princess |
26 | Zubaida | Зубайда | Excellent |
27 | Bahor | Баҳор | Spring |
28 | Sabina | Сабина | Sabine (ancient Italian tribe) |
29 | Tojiddin | Тоҷиддин | Crown of religion |
30 | Shaxzoda | Шаҳзода | Princess |
31 | Lobar | Лобар | Graceful |
32 | Barzu | Барзу | Tall |
33 | Orzu | Орзу | Wish, desire |
34 | Tursun | Турсун | Life |
35 | Khurshed | Хуршед | Sun |
36 | Qizilqum | Қизилқум | Red sand |
37 | Botir | Ботир | Brave |
38 | Sabohat | Сабоҳат | Beauty |
39 | Shodi | Шодӣ | Happiness |
40 | Vohid | Воҳид | Unique |
41 | Xushqadam | Хушқадам | Well-behaved |
42 | Temur | Темур | Iron |
43 | Zebiniso | Зебинисо | Beautiful woman |
44 | Odiljon | Одилҷон | Just |
45 | Gulchekhra | Гулчеҳра | Flower face |
46 | Shoira | Шоира | Poetess |
47 | Rajabgul | Раҷабгул | Rajab’s flower |
48 | Munavvar | Мунаввар | Illuminated |
49 | Farangis | Фарангис | Beautiful (mythological queen) |
50 | Firdavs | Фирдавс | Paradise |
51 | Gulrukhsor | Гулрухсор | Flower-faced |
52 | Gulsara | Гулсара | Yellow flower |
53 | Gulshan | Гулшан | Flower garden |
54 | Gulbahor | Гулбаҳор | Spring flower |
55 | Dilfuza | Дилфуза | Heart delight |
56 | Zulfiya | Зулфия | Long hair |
57 | Zukhra | Зухра | Venus |
58 | Zulfia | Зулфия | Long hair |
59 | Rano | Рано | Beautiful |
60 | Ranoza | Раноза | Beautiful |
61 | Rukhshona | Рухшона | Bright face |
62 | Rahima | Роҳима | Merciful |
63 | Ra’no | Рано | Beautiful |
64 | Mahina | Моҳина | Moonlight |
65 | Mavzuna | Мавзуна | Graceful |
66 | Manizha | Манижа | A name from ancient history |
67 | Marifat | Марифат | Knowledge |
68 | Mehriniso | Меҳринисо | Kind woman |
69 | Mekhrona | Меҳрона | Merciful |
70 | Nafisa | Нафиса | Precious |
71 | Nodira | Нодира | Unique |
72 | Nazgul | Назгул | Delicate flower |
73 | Nasibakhon | Насибахон | Fortunate |
74 | Omina | Омина | Trustworthy |
75 | Orifahon | Орифахон | Knowledgeable |
76 | Safina | Сафина | Ship |
77 | Salomat | Саломат | Healthy |
78 | Sevara | Севара | Tulip |
79 | Shaxnoza | Шаҳноза | Royal beauty |
80 | Sharifahon | Шарифахон | Noble |
81 | Umida | Умида | Hope |
82 | Vositaxon | Васитахон | Mediator |
83 | Vozira | Вазира | Minister |
84 | Xabarchin | Хабарчин | Messenger |
85 | Xushnuda | Хушнӯда | Happy |
86 | Xursand | Хурсанд | Joyful |
87 | Yodgor | Ёдгор | Souvenir |
88 | Yodgorxon | Ёдгорхон | Souvenir |
89 | Yulduz | Юлдуз | Star |
90 | Zulfizar | Зулфизар | Long hair with gold |
91 | Zulfizarhon | Зулфизархон | Long hair with gold |
92 | Zukhro | Зухро | Venus |
93 | Zukhrajon | Зухраҷон | Venus |
94 | Shabnam | Шабнам | Dew |
95 | Shahlo | Шаҳло | Black-eyed |
96 | Shahlojon | Шаҳложон | Black-eyed |
97 | Shakhnoz | Шаҳноз | Royal beauty |
98 | Shamsiya | Шамсия | Solar |
99 | Sharofat | Шарофат | Honor |
100 | Shodiyor | Шодиёр | Happy |
101 | Shoirahon | Шоираҳон | Poetess |
102 | Siyohsara | Сиёҳсара | Dark-haired |
103 | Sitora | Ситора | Star |
104 | Sorayyo | Сорайё | Pleiades star cluster |
105 | Surayyo | Сурайё | Pleiades star cluster |
106 | Surayyohon | Сурайёҳон | Pleiades star cluster |
107 | Tahmina | Таҳмина | Strong |
108 | Tolibahon | Толибаҳон | Seeker |
109 | Tojihol | Тожиҳол | Crown |
110 | Uktamxon | Уктамхон | Brave |
111 | Umidaxon | Умидахон | Hope |
112 | Vohidakhon | Воҳидахон | Unique |
113 | Vohidaxon | Воҳидахон | Unique |
114 | Xabibahon | Ҳабибаҳон | Beloved |
115 | Xurshida | Хуршида | Radiant |
116 | Xushnudahon | Хушнӯдаҳон | Happy |
117 | Yakhshimahon | Яхшимаҳон | Good |
118 | Yodgorahon | Ёдгорҳон | Souvenir |
119 | Yorqinxon | Ёрқинхон | Bright |
120 | Zarafshon | Зарафшон | Gold spreader |
121 | Zarangul | Зарангул | Golden flower |
122 | Zarbibi | Зарбибӣ | Golden lady |
123 | Zarifahon | Зарифаҳон | Elegant |
124 | Zarnigorahon | Зарнигорахон | Gold gaze |
125 | Zarnisor | Зарнисор | Gold woman |
126 | Zarnisso | Зарнисо | Gold woman |
127 | Zebunisso | Зебунисо | Beautiful woman |
128 | Zebunniso | Зебуннисо | Beautiful woman |
129 | Zebunnisso | Зебуннисо | Beautiful woman |
130 | Zebohon | Зебоҳон | Beautiful |
131 | Zevarahon | Зеварҳон | Jewel |
132 | Zilola | Зилола | Clear, pure |
133 | Ziyodahon | Зиёдаҳон | Abundant |
134 | Ziyodakhon | Зиёдаҳон | Abundant |
135 | Zubaydah | Зубайда | Excellent |
Read more: Most Popular Tajik Names for Boys
In summary,
The names featured in this compilation capture the essence of Tajik culture, blending tradition with contemporary appeal. Each name carries its own story and cultural significance, reflecting the diversity and beauty of Tajikistan’s naming traditions. Whether honoring heritage or seeking a name that resonates with modern sensibilities, these popular Tajik names for girls offer a wealth of choices for families celebrating their cultural roots.

Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.