Choosing a name for a baby girl is a cherished tradition in Kyrgyzstan. This article highlights the most popular names for girls, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and modern favorites.
100+ Most Popular Kyrgyzstan Names for Girls
No. | Name | Kyrgyzstan Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Aigerim | Айгерим | Moonlight |
2 | Ainura | Айнура | Full of Moon |
3 | Akylai | Акылай | Intelligent |
4 | Alina | Алина | Bright |
5 | Altynai | Алтынай | Golden Moon |
6 | Amina | Амина | Trustworthy |
7 | Anara | Анара | Pomegranate |
8 | Asel | Асель | Honey |
9 | Ayana | Аяна | Clear |
10 | Begimai | Бегимай | Leader |
11 | Bermet | Бермет | Affection |
12 | Burul | Бурул | Snow Leopard |
13 | Dinara | Динара | Wealthy |
14 | Elmira | Эльмира | Noble |
15 | Gulnara | Гульнара | Pomegranate Flower |
16 | Gulzada | Гульзада | Beautiful Flower |
17 | Janyl | Жаныл | Life |
18 | Kamila | Камила | Perfect |
19 | Karlygash | Карлыгаш | Happiness |
20 | Kyzyl | Кызыл | Red |
21 | Madina | Мадина | City |
22 | Meerim | Мээрим | Beautiful |
23 | Nazgul | Назгуль | Treasure |
24 | Nurzhamal | Нуржамал | Light Beauty |
25 | Perizat | Перизат | Precious |
26 | Raima | Райма | Joyful |
27 | Roza | Роза | Rose |
28 | Saikal | Сайкал | Light of Dawn |
29 | Saltanat | Салтанат | Sovereignty |
30 | Samira | Самира | Entertaining |
31 | Selbi | Селби | Clear |
32 | Shoola | Шоола | Feather |
33 | Tynchtyk | Тынчтык | Lucky |
34 | Urmat | Урмат | Favor |
35 | Uulkan | Уулкан | First Daughter |
36 | Zarina | Зарина | Golden |
37 | Zhibek | Жибек | Beauty |
38 | Zhyldyz | Жылдыз | Star |
39 | Zulfiya | Зульфия | Charming |
40 | Zura | Зура | Gold |
41 | Aigul | Айгуль | Moon Flower |
42 | Aijarkyn | Айжаркын | Moon Woman |
43 | Aijan | Айжан | Moon Soul |
44 | Akjol | Акжол | Clear Water |
45 | Almaz | Алмаз | Diamond |
46 | Akerke | Акерке | Good Woman |
47 | Akmaral | Акмарал | Clear Moon |
48 | Amanat | Аманат | Trust |
49 | Aruuke | Арууке | Light |
50 | Aydana | Айдана | Moon Power |
51 | Aygerim | Айгерим | Moonlight |
52 | Aziza | Азиза | Respected |
53 | Begaiym | Бегайым | Leader |
54 | Begimay | Бегимай | Leader |
55 | Bubusara | Бубусара | Clear Water |
56 | Cholpon | Чолпон | Venus |
57 | Damira | Дамира | Beautiful |
58 | Elira | Элира | Beautiful |
59 | Gulbara | Гульбара | Rose |
60 | Gulchekhra | Гульчехра | Rose Cheeked |
61 | Gulmira | Гульмира | Rose Peace |
62 | Jazgul | Жазгуль | Beautiful Flower |
63 | Jibek | Жибек | Beauty |
64 | Kanatbek | Канатбек | Destiny |
65 | Karakoz | Каракоз | Snow Leopard |
66 | Karamat | Карамат | Miracle |
67 | Kanykei | Каныкей | Wealthy |
68 | Kanyshai | Канышай | Sweet |
69 | Kulyash | Куляш | Rosemary |
70 | Kurmanzhan | Курманжан | Happy |
71 | Kyial | Кыял | Dream |
72 | Kyialbek | Кыялбек | Dream |
73 | Kyiak | Кыяк | Graceful |
74 | Leyla | Лейла | Night |
75 | Meerimjan | Мээримжан | Beautiful Soul |
76 | Meiramgul | Мээримгул | Beautiful Flower |
77 | Mira | Мира | Peace |
78 | Mirgul | Миргуль | Peaceful Flower |
79 | Munara | Мунара | Star of Soul |
80 | Nargiza | Наргиза | Narcissus |
81 | Nasiba | Насиба | Lucky |
82 | Nazira | Назира | Precious |
83 | Nurila | Нурила | Bright |
84 | Rakhima | Рахима | Merciful |
85 | Rayana | Райана | Unification |
86 | Saikalbek | Сайкалбек | Light of Dawn |
87 | Salkyn | Салкын | Happiness |
88 | Sanjarbek | Санжарбек | Dreamer |
89 | Saniya | Сания | Radiant |
90 | Sezim | Сезим | Blossom |
91 | Tolkun | Толкун | Pearl |
92 | Umut | Умут | Hope |
93 | Yrys | Ырыс | Life |
94 | Zairina | Заирина | Golden Woman |
95 | Zalkar | Залкар | Gold Star |
96 | Zarema | Зарема | Beautiful |
97 | Zaripa | Зарипа | Golden Hair |
98 | Zarlyk | Зарлык | Bright |
99 | Zhamal | Жамал | Beauty |
100 | Zhanel | Жанель | Treasure |
101 | Zhannat | Жаннат | Heaven |
102 | Zhypargul | Жыпаргуль | Green Beauty |
103 | Zynagul | Зынагуль | Flower of Life |
104 | Ainagul | Айнагуль | Moon Flower |
105 | Almagul | Алмагуль | Gold Flower |
106 | Altyn | Алтын | Gold |
107 | Altynay | Алтынай | Gold Moon |
108 | Altynchach | Алтынчач | Gold Girl |
109 | Aman | Аман | Peace |
Read more: Most Popular Kyrgyzstan Names for Boys
In conclusion,
The popular names for girls in Kyrgyzstan reflect a beautiful blend of tradition and modernity. Each name carries cultural significance and charm, offering a glimpse into the heritage and contemporary trends of the region. We hope this list has inspired and guided you in choosing a meaningful name that celebrates the unique identity of Kyrgyzstan.
Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.