100+ Most Popular Bolivian Names for Girls

by Sophia Roberts

Bolivian names for girls reflect a rich mix of indigenous, Spanish, and religious influences. This article highlights the most popular names, revealing their unique cultural significance.

100+ Most Popular Bolivian Names for Girls

No. Name Meaning
1 María Mary (beloved)
2 Ana Grace (favor)
3 Juana God is gracious
4 Carmen Song or poem
5 Rosa Rose (flower)
6 Laura Laurel (victory)
7 Patricia Noble, noblewoman
8 Isabel Devoted to God
9 Teresa Harvester (reaper)
10 Claudia Lame or crippled
11 Gabriela God is my strength
12 Andrea Manly or brave
13 Beatriz Bringer of happiness
14 Carolina Free woman
15 Mariana Of the sea
16 Paula Small or humble
17 Elizabeth God is my oath
18 Silvia Forest or wood
19 Fernanda Adventurous or bold
20 Alejandra Defender of mankind
21 Adriana From Adria (a place in Italy)
22 Pilar Pillar
23 Lourdes Referring to a Marian shrine
24 Valeria Strength or health
25 Vanessa Butterfly
26 Natalia Christmas Day
27 Marta Lady or mistress
28 Lorena Laurel tree
29 Ximena Hearkening or listening
30 Emilia Rival or work
31 Daniela God is my judge
32 Sandra Defender of mankind
33 Susana Lily
34 Mónica Advisor or counselor
35 Virginia Pure
36 Ángela Angel
37 Bianca White or pure
38 Jazmín Jasmine flower
39 Regina Queen
40 Jimena Hearkening or listening
41 Araceli Altar of heaven
42 Anahí Sweet or delicate
43 Abril April (the month)
44 Brenda Sword or firebrand
45 Carla Free woman
46 Catalina Pure
47 Cecilia Blind or sixth
48 Dalia Dahlia flower
49 Diana Divine or heavenly
50 Eliana God has answered
51 Elsa Pledged to God
52 Fabiola Bean grower
53 Gisela Hostage or pledge
54 Ingrid Beautiful or fair
55 Irma Whole or universal
56 Jocelyn Joyous or happy
57 Karla Free woman
58 Lucía Light or illumination
59 Magdalena Of Magdala
60 Mariela Little Mary
61 Melisa Honey bee
62 Miriam Beloved or wished for
63 Nancy Grace or favor
64 Noelia Christmas (born on Christmas)
65 Paola Small or humble
66 Rebeca To tie or bind
67 Rosaura Dew of the rose
68 Sabrina Legendary princess
69 Salomé Peaceful or safe
70 Sara Princess or noblewoman
71 Sonia Wisdom or knowledge
72 Tamara Date palm tree
73 Valentina Strong or healthy
74 Veronica True image
75 Victoria Victory
76 Violeta Violet (flower)
77 Yolanda Violet flower
78 Zara Princess or flower
79 Alma Soul
80 Aurora Dawn
81 Estefanía Crown or garland
82 Marisol Sea and sun
83 Aileen Light or bright
84 Amparo Protection or shelter
85 Berta Bright or shining
86 Cinthia From Cynthus
87 Coral Coral (sea material)
88 Dayana Day (or God is my judge)
89 Delia From Delos (island)
90 Eloísa Healthy or wide
91 Esperanza Hope
92 Estela Star
93 Evelyn Desired or wished for
94 Fabiana Bean grower
95 Felicidad Happiness
96 Flor Flower
97 Gemma Jewel
98 Gloria Glory
99 Graciela Grace
100 Iliana Moonlight
101 Jacqueline Supplanter
102 Jesenia Star or flower
103 Karina Pure or dear
104 Kassandra Defender of mankind
105 Leticia Joyful or happy
106 Luz Light
107 Maricel Little Mary
108 Maricela Little Mary
109 Matilde Battle mighty
110 Milena Gracious or gentle
111 Mireya Admirable or extraordinary
112 Natividad Nativity
113 Nora Honor or light
114 Ofelia Help or aid
115 Olga Holy
116 Pamela Sweet or honeyed
117 Raquel Ewe
118 Rosalía Rose
119 Rosalinda Little rose
120 Rubí Ruby
121 Sabina Sacred or pure
122 Socorro Help or aid

Read more: Most Popular Bolivian Names for Boys

In conclusion,

Bolivian names for girls offer a beautiful blend of cultural influences, from indigenous roots to Spanish and religious elements. Each name carries its own unique significance, reflecting the rich heritage of Bolivia. Understanding these popular names provides valuable insight into the country’s diverse traditions and values.

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