Choosing a name for your baby girl is a meaningful decision. In Azerbaijan, names blend tradition and modernity. This article explores over 100 popular Azerbaijani names for girls, offering inspiration and insight into their rich cultural heritage.
100+ Most Popular Azerbaijani Names for Girls
No. | Name | Azerbaijani Equivalent | Meaning |
1 | Aysel | Aysəl | Moonlight |
2 | Ayten | Aytən | Moon |
3 | Aziza | Aziza | Esteemed, precious |
4 | Bahar | Bahar | Spring |
5 | Banu | Banu | Lady, princess |
6 | Dilara | Dilarə | Lover, beloved |
7 | Elnara | Elnara | Light of the sun |
8 | Elnaz | Elnaz | Beloved |
9 | Eminə | Eminə | Trustworthy |
10 | Fərəh | Fərəh | Happiness, joy |
11 | Fidan | Fidan | Sapling, young tree |
12 | Gülnar | Gülər | Pomegranate blossom |
13 | Gülsüm | Gülsum | Rose face, rosy-cheeked |
14 | Günel | Günel | Sun ray |
15 | Gülçin | Gülçin | Rose-colored |
16 | Hərəm | Hərəm | Sacred, prohibited |
17 | Lala | Lala | Tulip |
18 | Leyla | Leyla | Night |
19 | Ləman | Ləman | Precious, valuable |
20 | Mahtab | Mahtab | Moonlight |
21 | Malahat | Malahat | Joy, delight |
22 | Mehriban | Mehriban | Kind, compassionate |
23 | Narmin | Narmin | Pomegranate flower |
24 | Nigar | Nigar | Precious gem |
25 | Nuray | Nuray | Bright moon |
26 | Nurə | Nurə | Light, radiance |
27 | Parvana | Pərvanə | Butterfly |
28 | Pəri | Pəri | Fairy |
29 | Rəna | Rənə | Melody, song |
30 | Rübabə | Rübabə | Crystal-clear, pure |
31 | Səbinə | Səbinə | Patience |
32 | Səmədə | Səmədə | Eternal, everlasting |
33 | Səvda | Səvda | Love |
34 | Səvinc | Səvinc | Joy, happiness |
35 | Sima | Sima | Beautiful face |
36 | Solmaz | Solmaz | Pure, untainted |
37 | Təranə | Təranə | Melody |
38 | Tünzalə | Tünzalə | Morning dew |
39 | Vafa | Vəfa | Loyalty, faithfulness |
40 | Vusala | Vüsələ | Good news, tidings |
41 | Xədicə | Xədicə | Joyful, cheerful |
42 | Xuraman | Xuraman | Cheerful, happy |
43 | Yaqut | Yaqut | Ruby |
44 | Yegana | Yəqanə | Unique, peerless |
45 | Yelizaveta | Yelizaveta | Elizabeth (biblical) |
46 | Yelena | Yelena | Helen |
47 | Zəhra | Zəhra | Flower, blossom |
48 | Zemfira | Zemfira | Precious jewel |
49 | Zeynəb | Zeynəb | Decorated with ornaments |
50 | Züleyxa | Züleyxa | Beautiful leader |
51 | Afaq | Afaq | Horizon, space |
52 | Afet | Afət | Calamity, disaster |
53 | Afigə | Afiqə | Pure, chaste |
54 | Aghavni | Ağavni | Dove |
55 | Almaz | Almaz | Diamond |
56 | Amina | Amina | Trustworthy, faithful |
57 | Ayan | Ayan | Clear, visible |
58 | Ayda | Ayda | Moonlight |
59 | Aylin | Aylin | Moon halo, moonlight |
60 | Azade | Azadə | Free, liberated |
61 | Azra | Azra | Virgin |
62 | Bagban | Bağban | Gardener, orchard keeper |
63 | Bahargul | Bahargül | Spring rose |
64 | Bahriyya | Bəhriyyə | Beautiful, like the sea |
65 | Dilbar | Dilbar | Lover, sweetheart |
66 | Efsane | Əfsanə | Legend, myth |
67 | Elnura | Elnura | Light of the sun |
68 | Esmira | Esmira | Pious, virtuous |
69 | Feride | Fəridə | Unique, precious |
70 | Firuza | Firuzə | Turquoise |
71 | Gamar | Qəmər | Moon |
72 | Gulnarə | Gülər | Pomegranate blossom |
73 | Gülyar | Gül-yar | Rose garden |
74 | Hamida | Həmidə | Praised, commendable |
75 | Israfil | İsrəfil | Archangel |
76 | Kemale | Kəmalə | Perfect, complete |
77 | Khuraman | Xuraman | Cheerful, happy |
78 | Laman | Laman | Beautiful, radiant |
79 | Latifa | Latifə | Gentle, kind |
80 | Leyli | Leyli | Night |
81 | Leylya | Leylə | Variant of Leyli |
82 | Liliya | Liliya | Lily |
83 | Mahsati | Məhsəti | Moon-like |
84 | Malak | Malak | Angel |
85 | Maral | Maral | Gazelle |
86 | Maryam | Məryəm | Mary (biblical) |
87 | Mina | Mina | Enamel, glass |
88 | Narmina | Nərminə | Clean, pure |
89 | Nilufar | Nilüfər | Water lily |
90 | Nisa | Nisa | Women, to associate with women |
91 | Nurana | Nuranə | Light |
92 | Nurlana | Nurlana | Radiant, shining |
93 | Rana | Rana | Beautiful singing voice |
94 | Ruya | Rüya | Dream |
95 | Samaya | Səmayə | Sky, heaven |
96 | Sevda | Səvda | Love |
97 | Shahnaz | Şahnaz | Pride of the king |
98 | Tarana | Təranə | Melody, song |
99 | Venera | Venera | Venus (planet) |
100 | Zarina | Zarina | Golden |
101 | Adila | Adila | Just, fair |
102 | Aida | Aida | Reward, present |
103 | Ayla | Ayla | Halo around the moon |
104 | Belgin | Belgin | Clear, bright |
105 | Ceylan | Ceylan | Gazelle |
106 | Damla | Damla | Drop, droplet |
107 | Deniz | Dəniz | Sea |
108 | Derya | Dərya | Sea |
109 | Elif | Elif | Alphabet letter, slim |
110 | Esin | Esin | Inspiration, breeze |
111 | Ezgi | Ezgi | Melody, tune |
112 | Gizem | Gizəm | Mystery, enigma |
113 | Gül | Gül | Rose |
114 | Irem | İrəm | Paradise |
115 | Lara | Lara | Bright, famous |
116 | Lina | Lina | Tender, delicate |
117 | Melike | Məlikə | Queen |
118 | Melis | Melis | Honey |
119 | Merve | Mərvə | Blessed, fortunate |
120 | Miray | Miray | Moonlight |
121 | Mirayda | Mirayda | Variant of Miray |
122 | Miraynur | Miraynur | Moonlight |
123 | Miraynaz | Miraynaz | Moonlight |
124 | Nazlı | Nazlı | Coquette, flirtatious |
125 | Nehir | Nəhir | River |
126 | Pelin | Pəlin | Artemisia plant |
127 | Rüya | Rüya | Dream |
128 | Selin | Selin | Moonlight |
129 | Sevval | Səvval | Beginning of the lunar month |
130 | Şebnem | Şəbnəm | Dew |
131 | Şirin | Şirin | Sweet, pleasant |
132 | Sinem | Sinəm | Cinema, movie |
133 | Tuana | Tuana | Peacock |
134 | Yaren | Yarən | Friend, companion |
135 | Yasemin | Yasmın | Jasmine |
136 | Yeliz | Yeliz | Clear, bright |
137 | Zehra | Zəhra | Flower, blossom |
138 | Zehranur | Zəhranur | Radiant flower |
139 | Zehrat | Zəhrat | Radiance, beauty |
140 | Zeliha | Zəliha | Wife of the prophet Joseph |
141 | Zeynep | Zeynəp | Adornment, beauty |
142 | Zilan | Zilan | Meadow, field |
143 | Zinnur | Zinnur | Light of the women |
144 | Zisan | Zisan | Beautiful |
145 | Zühre | Zühre | Beauty, Venus |
146 | Züleyha | Züleyha | Beautiful |
147 | Zümra | Zümra | Beauty, perfect |
Read more: Most Popular Azerbaijani Names for Boys
In conclusion,
Choosing a name for your baby boy is a significant and cherished decision. The most popular Azerbaijani names for boys reflect the rich cultural heritage and modern influences of the region. We hope this list has provided you with meaningful options and inspiration, helping you find the perfect name that honors your family’s traditions and future aspirations.

Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.