110+ Chinese Baby Boy Names Starting with U

by Sophia Roberts

Embark on a fascinating exploration of Chinese culture and tradition as we delve into a curated list of enchanting baby boy names starting with ‘U’. Each name carries a unique blend of history and significance, providing a meaningful and distinctive choice for your little one. Join us on this journey of discovery, where tradition meets modernity in the realm of Chinese baby names.

110+ Chinese Baby Boy Names Starting with U

No. Name Meaning Chinese (Name)
1 U-Long Dragon’s Breath 乌隆
2 Uan Gentle 乌安
3 Udi Prosperity 乌迪
4 Uen Kind 乌恩
5 Ugo Eagle 乌戈
6 Uhan First-born 乌翰
7 Ujin Precious 乌金
8 Ulan Red Orchid 乌兰
9 Ulric Power of the Wolf 乌尔里希
10 Umang Enthusiasm 乌芒
11 Umed Hope 乌梅德
12 Umin Quick 乌敏
13 Unan Peaceful 乌南
14 Unshen Cloud Body 乌申
15 Unzi Respectful 乌子
16 Upal Sapphire 乌帕尔
17 Upen Open-minded 乌彭
18 Uqiang Strong Will 乌强
19 Uro Brave 乌若
20 Ushan Mountain Peak 乌山
21 Uso Elegant 乌索
22 Ussen Noble 乌森
23 Uther Leader 乌瑟
24 Utsav Celebration 乌特萨夫
25 Uttej Brightness 乌特泰吉
26 Uvais Victorious 乌瓦伊斯
27 Uwe Prosperous 乌韦
28 Uxian Gentle Virtue 乌仙
29 Uyghur Noble Race 维吾尔
30 Uzair Helper 乌赞
31 Uzay Moon and Star 乌赛
32 Uzziel God is my Strength 乌齐耶尔
33 Uzziah God is my Strength 乌西亚
34 Uzziya God is my Strength 乌西雅
35 Uzziyahu God is my Strength 乌西亚胡
36 Uzziyah God is my Strength 乌西亚
37 Uzziyel God is my Strength 乌西耶尔
38 Uzzur My Strength 乌兹尔
39 Uba Father 乌巴
40 Ubadah Worshiper 乌巴达
41 Ubah Gift 乌巴
42 Uche God’s will 乌切
43 Uday Sunrise 乌戴
44 Udeep Light 乌迪普
45 Udele Prosperous Home 乌德勒
46 Udiya Light of God 乌迪亚
47 Udoka Peaceful 乌多卡
48 Ugochukwu God’s Glory 乌戈楚克乌
49 Ugonna Father’s Pride 乌贡纳
50 Ujala Brightness 乌贾拉
51 Ujesh Victorious 乌杰什
52 Ujjas Radiant 乌贾斯
53 Ujjayi Victorious 乌贾伊
54 Ujwal Radiant 乌杰瓦尔
55 Ujwala Lustrous 乌杰瓦拉
56 Ulad Son 乌拉德
57 Ulanbek Prosperous Ruler 乌兰别克
58 Uleki Courageous 乌勒基
59 Ulfat Friendship 乌尔法特
60 Ulhas Joy 乌尔哈斯
61 Uli Prosperous 乌力
62 Ulrik Power and Riches 乌尔里克
63 Ulysses Wrathful 尤利西斯
64 Umar Life 乌马尔
65 Umaya Lord Vishnu 乌玛亚
66 Umesh Lord Shiva 乌梅什
67 Umit Hope 乌米特
68 Ummar Life 乌马尔
69 Umran Prosperous 乌姆兰
70 Unnat Energized 乌纳特
71 Upton High Town 阿普顿
72 Upvan Forest 乌普万
73 Uraeus Symbol of Royalty 乌拉乌斯
74 Uraga Eternal Joy 乌拉加
75 Urak Strong 乌拉克
76 Ural Brave 乌拉尔
77 Urban City Dweller 乌尔班
78 Urdan Noble Birth 乌尔丹
79 Uresh Satisfaction 乌雷什
80 Urho Brave 乌尔霍
81 Uri Light 乌瑞
82 Uria Light 乌利亚
83 Uriah God is my Light 乌利亚
84 Urian Joyful 乌里安
85 Uric Rich Ruler 乌里克
86 Uriel God is my Light 乌里尔
87 Urijah God is my Light 乌利亚
88 Urjit Energy 乌尔吉特
89 Urman Brave Man 乌尔曼
90 Urooj Ascension 乌鲁吉
91 Ursen Bear 乌尔森
92 Ursin Bear 乌尔森
93 Urte Yearning 乌尔特
94 Urth Earth 乌尔思
95 Uru Dragon 乌如
96 Urvin Ocean 乌尔文
97 Urwin Blessed Friend 乌尔文
98 Urzila Beautiful 乌尔兹拉
99 Usama Lion-Like 乌萨马
100 Usman Trustworthy 乌斯曼
101 Utkarsh Bright Future 乌特卡尔什
102 Uttam Best 乌塔姆
103 Utz Joy 乌茨
104 Uval Stream 乌瓦尔
105 Uve Strong 乌维
106 Uxmal Mayan City 乌克斯马尔
107 Uyiosa God’s Blessing 乌约萨
108 Uzai My Strength 乌扎伊
109 Uzi My Strength 乌齐
110 Uziel God is my Strength 乌齐尔
111 Uzoma Good Road 乌佐玛

Read more: Chinese Baby Boy Names Starting with T

In conclusion

In concluding our exploration of Chinese baby boy names beginning with ‘U’, we’ve unveiled a tapestry of cultural richness and meaningful choices. These names not only reflect tradition but also offer a unique blend of history and modernity. May your journey of choosing the perfect name for your little one be infused with the charm and significance these names bring. Embrace the cultural heritage and uniqueness encapsulated in each ‘U’ name, and may it add a touch of distinction to your precious child’s identity.

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