Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘C’

by Sophia Roberts

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘C'”. In this article, we embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of names derived from the Bible that begin with the letter ‘C’. These names are not just a collection of letters; they hold profound meaning, historical significance, and a connection to age-old stories that have shaped cultures and traditions.

250+ Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘C’

Name Meaning Origin Detail
Cade Circular Biblical Cade is a name with biblical origins that carries the meaning of “circular.”
Coral Coral Biblical Coral is a name rooted in the Bible, signifying the precious marine organism “coral.”
Caden Son of Cadan Biblical Caden, originating from biblical contexts, refers to a “son of Cadan.”
Cadmael War chief Biblical Cadmael, a name from biblical sources, embodies the role of a “war chief.”
Cadman Warrior Biblical Cadman is a name found in the Bible, symbolizing “warrior.”
Cadoc War Biblical Cadoc is a biblical name representing the concept of “war.”
Caedmon Warrior Biblical Caedmon, with its origins in the Bible, refers to a “warrior.”
Caetano From Gaeta Biblical Caetano, a biblical name, signifies someone “from Gaeta.”
Cailean A dove Biblical Cailean is a biblical name denoting the symbol of “a dove.”
Cain Brought in Biblical Cain, with biblical origins, carries the meaning of “brought in.”
Cairbre One who rides in a chariot Biblical Cairbre is a name mentioned in biblical context, representing someone “who rides in a chariot.”
Cairo One who is victorious Biblical Cairo is a biblical name that signifies “one who is victorious.”
Caius Be joyful Biblical Caius is a name rooted in the Bible, denoting the attribute of “being joyful.”
Calahan One who loves churches Biblical Calahan, originating from the Bible, signifies “one who loves churches.”
Calder Harsh and cold waters Biblical Calder is a biblical name with the meaning of “harsh and cold waters.”
Calderon Melting pot Biblical Calderon, a name found in the Bible, symbolizes a “melting pot.”
Caldwell Cold water source Biblical Caldwell is a name from biblical sources, representing a “cold water source.”
Cale To be faithful Biblical Cale is a biblical name embodying the quality of “being faithful.”
Caleb To be faithful Biblical Caleb is a name rooted in the Bible, conveying the attribute of “being faithful.”
Calhoun Fighter Biblical Calhoun is a name with biblical origins that embodies the quality of a “fighter.”
Callan Slim Biblical Callan is a biblical name denoting the characteristic of being “slim.”
Callister Son of Alexander Biblical Callister, a name from biblical contexts, signifies “son of Alexander.”
Callisthenes Beautiful and strong Biblical Callisthenes is a name with biblical origins, signifying “beautiful and strong.”
Callum White dove Biblical Callum is a biblical name representing the symbolic “white dove.”
Camden Enclosed valley Biblical Camden, a name rooted in the Bible, describes the concept of an “enclosed valley.”
Campbell Twisted mouth Biblical Campbell is a name mentioned in biblical context, conveying the notion of a “twisted mouth.”
Can Man with soul Biblical Can, originating from the Bible, signifies “man with soul.”
Canaan Land of reeds Biblical Canaan is a biblical name referring to the “land of reeds.”
Cannon Clergyman Biblical Cannon is a name with biblical origins, symbolizing a “clergyman.”
Canute Knot Biblical Canute is a name found in the Bible, denoting the concept of a “knot.”
Christof Servant of Christ Biblical Christof is a biblical name that signifies “servant of Christ.”
Christoopher One who bears Christ inside Biblical Christoopher is a name with biblical origins, meaning “one who bears Christ inside.”
Christophe Beloved of Christ Biblical Christophe is a biblical name that conveys the meaning “beloved of Christ.”
Christopherson Religious Biblical Christopherson is a biblical name associated with the attribute of being “religious.”
Christophor Bearer of Christ Biblical Christophor is a biblical name that translates to “bearer of Christ.”
Chuck Rash Biblical Chuck is a biblical name denoting the quality of being “rash.”
Chucky Impulsive Biblical Chucky is a name of biblical origin that signifies “impulsive.”
Churchill Bright Biblical Churchill is a name rooted in the Bible, symbolizing “bright.”
Chuza The Seer, Prophet Biblical Chuza is a biblical name that represents the concept of “the seer, prophet.”
Cian Old Soul Biblical Cian is a biblical name that conveys the meaning of “old soul.”
Clair Renowned Biblical Clair is a name of biblical origin, signifying “renowned.”
Claude Slow-moving, Lame Biblical Claude is a biblical name that translates to “slow-moving” or “lame.”
Claudius Lame, The One Who Limps Biblical Claudius is a name with biblical origins, meaning “lame” or “the one who limps.”
Cleavon Daring Biblical Cleavon is a biblical name that signifies “daring.”
Clement Merciful, Gracious, Gentle, Mild Biblical Clement is a biblical name representing virtues of “merciful,” “gracious,” “gentle,” and “mild.”
Clemente Pleasant Biblical Clemente is a biblical name that conveys the quality of being “pleasant.”
Clemer Mild Biblical Clemer is a name with biblical origins, meaning “mild.”
Cheston A Form of Chester Biblical Cheston is a name of biblical origin, associated with the variation of “Chester.”
Chett From the Camp of the Soldiers Biblical Chett is a biblical name referring to “from the camp of the soldiers.”
Chilion Complete, Perfect Biblical Chilion is a biblical name that signifies “complete” or “perfect.”
Chip Chip Off the Old Block, Like Father, Like Son Biblical Chip is a biblical name expressing the concept “like father, like son” or “chip off the old block.”
Chipper A Form of Chip Biblical Chipper is a name with biblical origins, associated with the variation of “chip.”
Christiaan A Follower of Christ Biblical Christiaan is a name of biblical origin, signifying “a follower of Christ.”
Christianus Follower of Christ Biblical Christianus is a name with biblical roots, meaning “follower of Christ.”
Christo Follower of Christ Biblical Christo is a biblical name that signifies “follower of Christ.”
Christodoulous Filled with Sweet Biblical Christodoulous is a biblical name signifying “filled with sweet.”
Clemmie Mild Biblical Clemmie is a name with biblical roots, meaning “mild.”
Cleopas Fame of the Father Biblical Cleopas is a name from biblical origins, conveying the meaning “fame of the father.”
Cleophas Seeing Glory, Known, Glory of the Father Biblical Cleophas is a biblical name denoting “seeing glory,” “known,” and “glory of the father.”
Cliffton From the Town near the Cliff Biblical Cliffton is a biblical name signifying “from the town near the cliff.”
Clive Daring, Living near a Cliff Biblical Clive is a name with biblical origins, representing “daring” or “living near a cliff.”
Coady A Form of Cody Biblical Coady is a name derived from the variation “Cody” with biblical connections.
Coddy Helpful, Wealthy Man, Cushion Biblical Coddy is a name with biblical roots, symbolizing “helpful,” “wealthy man,” or “acting as a cushion.”
Codey Helpful Biblical Codey is a biblical name meaning “helpful.”
Codie He Descends from the Wealthy One Biblical Codie is a name from biblical contexts, signifying “he descends from the wealthy one.”
Coen Brave Biblical Coen is a biblical name representing the quality of being “brave.”
Cohen Priest Biblical Cohen is a name with biblical origins, signifying “priest.”
Colbert Cool and Calm Biblical Colbert is a biblical name conveying the attributes of “cool and calm.”
Colbey Dark-Haired Biblical Colbey is a name with biblical roots, meaning “dark-haired.”
Coley People’s Victory Biblical Coley is a name from biblical origins, symbolizing “people’s victory.”
Collier Hard-Working, Miner Biblical Collier is a biblical name reflecting the qualities of “hard-working” and “miner.”
Collin Shy Biblical Collin is a biblical name indicating the attribute of “shy.”
Colson Precocious Biblical Colson is a name with biblical connections, meaning “precocious.”
Colt Frisky, Horse Trainer Biblical Colt is a biblical name representing traits of “frisky” and “horse trainer.”
Coltan A Form of Colton Biblical Coltan is a name derived from the variation “Colton” with biblical associations.
Colten Dark Town, Mysterious Biblical Colten is a biblical name signifying “dark town” or “mysterious.”
Ceolmaer Mature and Cheerful Person Biblical Ceolmaer is a name with biblical roots, denoting “mature and cheerful person.”
Ceolnoth Outspoken Person Accepted by All Biblical Ceolnoth is a biblical name signifying an “outspoken person accepted by all.”
Ceomma One Who Makes All Happy Biblical Ceomma is a biblical name meaning “one who makes all happy.”
Cephas Stone, Dark Biblical Cephas is a biblical name that translates to “stone” or “dark.”
Cerenhir Rational Believer of God Biblical Cerenhir is a name with biblical connections, signifying a “rational believer of God.”
Cerne Dark Complexion Biblical Cerne is a name with biblical origins, representing “one with a dark complexion.”
Cerys Dearly Loved Biblical Cerys is a biblical name denoting someone who is “dearly loved.”
Cesar Leader Biblical Cesar is a name with biblical roots, meaning “leader.”
Cestmir Quality of a Sturdy Fortress Biblical Cestmir is a biblical name that signifies “he who has the quality of a sturdy fortress.”
Chacko Means a Cute, Playful Character Biblical Chacko is a biblical name signifying a “cute, playful character.”
Chadd A Form of Chad Biblical Chadd is a name with biblical roots, derived from the variation “Chad.”
Chaddrick One Who Is Warlike Biblical Chaddrick is a biblical name that conveys the quality of being “warlike.”
Chadrick Meaning Uncertain Biblical Chadrick is a biblical name with uncertain meaning.
Chadwik A Warrior Who Stands for His People Biblical Chadwik is a biblical name representing a “warrior who stands for his people.”
Chaga He Who Can Dominate Over Others Biblical Chaga is a name with biblical connections, signifying “he who can dominate over others.”
Chal The Brave Son Biblical Chal is a name with biblical origins, symbolizing “the brave son.”
Chaleins The Lad Who Is Sharp Sighted Biblical Chaleins is a name from biblical contexts, meaning “the lad who is sharp sighted.”
Chalil Flute Biblical Chalil is a name of biblical origin, representing “flute.”
Chanait The One Who Is Graceful Biblical Chanait is a name with biblical roots, signifying “the one who is graceful.”
Chanandip He Who Shines Within the Light of the Lord Biblical Chanandip is a name with biblical connections, representing “he who shines within the light of the Lord.”
Cenred A King Who Day Dreams Biblical Cenred is a biblical name signifying “a king who day dreams.”
Ceobba One Who Gives Importance for Education Biblical Ceobba is a biblical name denoting “one who gives importance for education.”
Ceofel A Passionate Person Who Thinks the Good for Everyone Biblical Ceofel is a name with biblical origins, representing “a passionate person who thinks the good for everyone.”
Ceol The Leader of the Ship Biblical Ceol is a name from biblical contexts, signifying “the leader of the ship.”
Ceolbald A Confident and Bold Person Biblical Ceolbald is a biblical name indicating a “confident and bold person.”
Ceolbeald A Level-Headed Person Biblical Ceolbeald is a name with biblical connections, representing “a level-headed person.”
Ceolfrid One Who Is Lonely in Life Biblical Ceolfrid is a biblical name that signifies “one who is lonely in life.”
Ceolfrih A Person of High Authority and Bold to Take Decisions Biblical Ceolfrih is a name with biblical roots, symbolizing “a person of high authority and bold to take decisions.”
Ceolfrith One Who Holds the Position of an Abbot Biblical Ceolfrith is a name from biblical origins, signifying “one who holds the position of an abbot.”
Ceolla A Daring and Straightforward Person Biblical Ceolla is a biblical name denoting “a daring and straightforward person.”
Chance Good Fortune, Happy Biblical Chance is a name with biblical connections, meaning “good fortune” and “happy.”
Chancelor A Form of Chancellor Biblical Chancelor is a biblical name derived from the variation “Chancellor.”
Chances Good Fortune Biblical Chances is a name from biblical origins, symbolizing “good fortune.”
Channce One Who Takes Risks Biblical Channce is a biblical name representing “one who takes risks.”
Chant Sang Biblical Chant is a name with biblical roots, signifying “sang.”
Chapen Clergyman Biblical Chapen is a name from biblical contexts, representing “clergyman.”
Chappel One Who Works in the Chapel Biblical Chappel is a name with biblical origins, denoting “one who works in the chapel.”
Charleston Strong, Manly Biblical Charleston is a biblical name conveying attributes of being “strong” and “manly.”
Charley He Is Our Mighty Little Warrior Biblical Charley is a biblical name that signifies “He Is Our Mighty Little Warrior.”
Charlles Manly and Strong, Free Man Biblical Charlles is a name with biblical origins, meaning “manly and strong” or “a free man.”
Charly Biblical
Chas Happy Boy Biblical Chas is a name from biblical contexts, signifying a “happy boy.”
Chasse A Huntsman Biblical Chasse is a name with biblical connections, representing “a huntsman.”
Chat Happy Biblical Chat is a biblical name that translates to “happy.”
Chauncy A Form of Chauncey Biblical Chauncy is a biblical name derived from the variation “Chauncey.”
Chaz Manly Biblical Chaz is a name of biblical origin, conveying the quality of being “manly.”
Chazz A Familiar Form of Charles Biblical Chazz is a name with biblical associations, being a familiar form of “Charles.”
Chelsey From the Landing Place for Chalk Biblical Chelsey is a name with biblical roots, originating from “landing place for chalk.”
Chenaanah Broken in Pieces Biblical Chenaanah is a biblical name meaning “broken in pieces.”
Chesed Destroyer Biblical Chesed is a biblical name that signifies “destroyer.”
Cassidy Humorous, Clever Man, Curly-Haired Man, Ingenious Biblical Cassidy is a name from biblical contexts, representing attributes like “humorous,” “clever,” “curly-haired,” and “ingenious.”
Cassius Protective, Empty, Hollow, Vain Biblical Cassius is a name with biblical origins, meaning “protective” or “empty; hollow; vain.”
Casson A Seer Biblical Casson is a biblical name signifying “a seer.”
Castor Eager Protector, Hard Worker, Busy Beaver Biblical Castor is a name with biblical connections, representing attributes like “eager protector,” “hard worker,” and “busy beaver.”
Castro Walled City, Castle, Fortress Biblical Castro is a biblical name denoting “walled city,” “castle,” or “fortress.”
Casworon Battle Hero Biblical Casworon is a name with biblical associations, signifying “battle hero.”
Catacvs Tolerant Boy Biblical Catacvs is a biblical name representing “a boy who is tolerant.”
Cater Caterer Biblical Cater is a name of biblical origin, conveying the profession “caterer.”
Catgen Emotional and Intelligent Person Biblical Catgen is a name with biblical roots, representing an “emotional and intelligent person.”
Catgual Creative and Interesting Person Biblical Catgual is a biblical name signifying a “creative and interesting person.”
Catguare Capable, Versatile, Resourceful, Practical Biblical Catguare is a name with biblical connections, representing qualities like “capable,” “versatile,” “resourceful,” and “practical.”
Catgucaun Trustworthy and Capable Person Biblical Catgucaun is a name with biblical associations, signifying a “trustworthy and capable person by character.”
Catguocaun Humble and Highly Sensitive Person Biblical Catguocaun is a biblical name representing a “humble and highly sensitive person.”
Cato Zany and Bright Biblical Cato is a biblical name conveying qualities of being “zany and bright.”
Catomagli One Who Loves His People Dearly Biblical Catomagli is a name with biblical origins, meaning “one who loves his people dearly.”
Catuoconi Man from the British Lineage Biblical Catuoconi is a biblical name signifying “a man who comes from the British lineage.”
Caturugus Calm, Good-Tempered Simple Person Biblical Caturugus is a name with biblical associations, meaning “calm, good-tempered simple person.”
Caulfield Person from Caulfields Biblical Caulfield is a name denoting “person from Caulfields.”
Caulton One Who Lives in the Calf Farm Biblical Caulton is a biblical name meaning “one who lives in the calf farm.”
Caveti Detail-Oriented Person Biblical Caveti is a name with biblical origins, signifying a “detail-oriented person.”
Carmichael Bold, Follower of Michael Biblical Carmichael is a biblical name that represents attributes like “boldness” and “follower of Michael.”
Carpus Fruitful Biblical Carpus is a name with biblical connections, signifying “fruitful.”
Carroll Masculine, Winner Biblical Carroll is a biblical name conveying traits like “masculine” and “winner.”
Carrson Son of a Marsh Dweller Biblical Carrson is a biblical name representing “son of a marsh dweller.”
Carsen A Form of Carson Biblical Carsen is a name with biblical origins, derived from the variation “Carson.”
Carsten Christian Biblical Carsten is a biblical name signifying “Christian.”
Carter Insightful, Transporter of Goods, Cart Driver Biblical Carter is a name from biblical contexts, representing attributes like “insightful,” “transporter of goods,” and “cart driver.”
Cartland From Carter’s Land Biblical Cartland is a biblical name denoting “from Carter’s land.”
Carvell Innovative, From the Village Near the Swamp Biblical Carvell is a name with biblical connections, signifying “innovative” and “from the village near the swamp.”
Carver Carver Biblical Carver is a name that signifies the profession “carver.”
Cawley Cow Meadow Biblical Cawley is a biblical name denoting “cow meadow.”
Cayden Spirit of Battle Biblical Cayden is a biblical name signifying “spirit of battle.”
Caydenn Round, Of the Cask Biblical Caydenn is a name with biblical associations, representing “round” or “of the cask.”
Caydren Person Who Will Battle in High Spirit Biblical Caydren is a biblical name that signifies “person who will battle in high spirit.”
Ceadd Fierce Man Who Wars with Nations Biblical Ceadd is a biblical name representing “a very fierce man who wars with nations.”
Ceaddi Brave Person Biblical Ceaddi is a name denoting “brave person.”
Ceallachan One Who Wages War Bravely Biblical Ceallachan is a name with biblical roots, meaning “one who wages war bravely.”
Ceatta Name of an Anglo-Saxon Saint Biblical Ceatta is a name with biblical associations, signifying the name of “Anglo-Saxon saint.”
Cebe Calm Personality Biblical Cebe is a biblical name representing a “calm personality.”
Cederic A Form of Cedric Biblical Cederic is a biblical name derived from the variation “Cedric.”
Cedrick Battle Leader, Bounty Biblical Cedrick is a name with biblical connections, representing “battle leader” and “bounty.”
Cedrik A Form of Cedric Biblical Cedrik is a biblical name derived from the variation “Cedric.”
Cedron Dark, Sad, Black Biblical Cedron is a biblical name representing attributes like “dark,” “sad,” and “black.”
Ceger Creative and Helping Person Biblical Ceger is a name with biblical origins, signifying a “creative and helping person.”
Ceirin Young Black Child Biblical Ceirin is a biblical name representing a “young black child.”
Ceiro Loved by All Biblical Ceiro is a biblical name signifying “one who is loved by all.”
Cenek Conqueror of the World Biblical Cenek is a biblical name signifying “one who can conquer the world.”
Cenewyg Brave Warrior Biblical Cenewyg is a name with biblical origins, meaning “warrior who fights bravely.”
Cenfrith Realistic Achiever Biblical Cenfrith is a biblical name denoting a “realistic person who achieves goals.”
Cenn Known for Strong and Stable Character Biblical Cenn is a name from biblical contexts, representing a person “known for his strong and stable character.”
Cook Cook Biblical Cook is a name signifying the profession “cook.”
Cooper Handsome, Barrel Maker Biblical Cooper is a biblical name conveying attributes like “handsome” and “maker of barrels.”
Cordaro Roped Biblical Cordaro is a name with biblical connections, signifying “roped.”
Cordero Gentle Biblical Cordero is a biblical name that represents “gentle.”
Corderro Resembling a Lamb Biblical Corderro is a name from biblical contexts, signifying “resembling a lamb.”
Cormac Raven’s Offspring, Watchful, Charioteer Biblical Cormac is a biblical name conveying attributes like “raven’s offspring,” “watchful,” and “charioteer.”
Corn Horn, Yellow-Haired Biblical Corn is a biblical name signifying “horn” or “yellow-haired.”
Cornall Horn, Loquacious Biblical Cornall is a biblical name conveying attributes like “horn” or “loquacious.”
Cornelio Hornblower Biblical Cornelio is a name with biblical origins, meaning “hornblower.”
Cornell Fair Biblical Cornell is a biblical name denoting “fair.”
Cornellius Ivory Colored Biblical Cornellius is a biblical name signifying “ivory colored.”
Cornwallis From Cornwall Biblical Cornwallis is a name with biblical connections, denoting “from Cornwall.”
Cort Eloquent Biblical Cort is a biblical name representing “eloquent.”
Cortez Victorious, Explorer Biblical Cortez is a biblical name conveying attributes like “victorious” and “explorer.”
Coty Comforter Biblical Coty is a name with biblical origins, meaning “comforter.”
Coulter Dealing in Colts, Horseman Biblical Coulter is a biblical name denoting “dealing in colts” or “horseman.”
Courtenay Court Attendant Biblical Courtenay is a name with biblical connections, signifying “court attendant.”
Courtland Born in the Land of the Court, Dignitary Biblical Courtland is a name with biblical origins, meaning “born in the land of the court” or “dignitary.”
Coz Son of Biblical Coz is a biblical name signifying “son of.”
Crandall From the Crane Valley Biblical Crandall is a biblical name denoting “from the crane valley.”
Colter Keeping the Colts Biblical Colter is a name signifying “keeping the colts.”
Coltin A Form of Colton Biblical Coltin is a name with biblical origins, derived from the variation “Colton.”
Colton Lovely Town Ruled by Cole Biblical Colton is a biblical name representing “lovely town ruled by Cole.”
Coltyn A Form of Colton Biblical Coltyn is a name with biblical origins, derived from the variation “Colton.”
Columba Dove Biblical Columba is a biblical name signifying “dove.”
Concetto Immaculate Conception Biblical Concetto is a biblical name referring to the “immaculate conception.”
Conlan Winner Biblical Conlan is a biblical name signifying “winner.”
Connor Brilliant Biblical Connor is a biblical name representing “brilliant.”
Conroy Wise Writer Biblical Conroy is a biblical name conveying “wise writer.”
Constantine Consistent, Steady, Persistent Biblical Constantine is a name with biblical origins, signifying attributes like “consistent,” “steady,” and “persistent.”
Crane Crane Biblical Crane is a name from biblical contexts representing “crane.”
Cranston From the Town of Cranes Biblical Cranston is a biblical name denoting “from the town of cranes.”
Cretien Anointed, Follower of Christ Biblical Cretien is a biblical name meaning “annointed” or “follower of Christ.”
Cris Crystal-Like Biblical Cris is a biblical name signifying “crystal-like.”
Crisdean Christ Biblical Crisdean is a name with biblical origins, representing “Christ.”
Crisoforo Bearing Christ Biblical Crisoforo is a biblical name meaning “bearing Christ.”
Crispin Man with Curls Biblical Crispin is a biblical name denoting “man with curls.”
Crispo Curly-Haired Biblical Crispo is a biblical name signifying “curly-haired.”
Crispus Curled Biblical Crispus is a name from biblical contexts, meaning “curled.”
Crist Christian Biblical Crist is a biblical name representing “Christian.”
Cristian Christian Biblical Cristian is a biblical name signifying “Christian.”
Cristobal Bearing Christ Biblical Cristobal is a name with biblical origins, meaning “bearing Christ.”
Cristofer Follower of Christ or Anointed Biblical Cristofer is a name from biblical contexts, signifying “follower of Christ” or “anointed.”
Cristoffer Follower of Christ or Anointed Biblical Cristoffer is a name from biblical contexts, signifying “follower of Christ” or “anointed.”
Cristopher Follower of Christ or Anointed Biblical Cristopher is a biblical name representing “follower of Christ” or “anointed.”
Crosley From the Cross Meadow Biblical Crosley is a biblical name denoting “from the cross meadow.”
Crowther Fiddler Biblical Crowther is a biblical name signifying “fiddler.”
Cruz Cross Biblical Cruz is a biblical name representing “cross.”
Crystek Follower of Christ Biblical Crystek is a biblical name conveying “follower of Christ.”
Culver Peaceful Biblical Culver is a biblical name representing “peaceful.”
Curran Smiling Hero Biblical Curran is a biblical name signifying “smiling hero.”
Curtiss Polite or Courteous Biblical Curtiss is a biblical name conveying attributes like “polite” or “courteous.”
Cuthbert Intelligent Biblical Cuthbert is a biblical name representing “intelligent.”
Cyprian Of Cyprus Biblical Cyprian is a biblical name denoting “of Cyprus.”
Cyprus Fair or Fairness Biblical Cyprus is a biblical name signifying “fair” or “fairness.”
Cyrenius One Who Governs Biblical Cyrenius is a biblical name representing “one who governs.”
Cyrus Sunny, Sun Biblical Cyrus is a biblical name conveying attributes like “sunny” or “sun.”
Cyruss The Sun Biblical Cyruss is a biblical name representing “the sun.”

Read more: Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with B

Read more: Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with D

What is the significance of naming a baby?

Choosing a name for your baby boy is a cherished endeavor, and exploring biblical names offers a blend of spiritual depth and timeless elegance. From the classic to the unique, we present an array of names that reflect virtues, qualities, and narratives found within the pages of the Bible. Whether you’re drawn to names that symbolize courage, wisdom, or devotion, you’ll find a plethora of options to consider.

Join us as we unravel the origins, meanings, and distinctive attributes of each name, allowing you to connect with the profound heritage that these names bring. Whether you’re seeking a name that resonates with your faith, honors a biblical figure, or simply captures the essence of your aspirations for your baby boy, our guide will assist you in making an informed and heartfelt choice.

Dive into the world of “Biblical Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘C'” and discover names that are not only a gift to your child but also a reflection of the enduring stories and values that have shaped our history.

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