Exploring the rich tapestry of history, we delve into the world of Ancient Anglo-Saxon names for girls, each with its own unique meaning and story to tell. These names, hailing from a time long past, carry with them a sense of tradition and heritage that still resonates today. Join us on a journey through time as we uncover the beauty and significance of these names from the Anglo-Saxon era.
Ancient Anglo-Saxon Names for Girls with Meanings
No. | Name | Meaning |
1 | Aelfric | Elf Ruler |
2 | Aethelwyn | Noble Friend |
3 | Aethelgifu | Noble Gift |
4 | Aelfwynn | Elf Joy |
5 | Beornwyn | Bear Joy |
6 | Ceolwulf | Ship Wolf |
7 | Cwenburg | Queen’s Castle |
8 | Cyneburga | Royal Fortress |
9 | Ealdgyth | Old Strength |
10 | Ealhwyn | Temple Friend |
11 | Eardwulf | Homeland Wolf |
12 | Edith | Rich Gift |
13 | Eoforhild | Boar Battle |
14 | Ethelberta | Noble Brightness |
15 | Frithuswith | Peaceful Strength |
16 | Godgifu | God’s Gift |
17 | Hildburg | Battle Fortress |
18 | Hrothwyn | Famous Joy |
19 | Leofric | Beloved Ruler |
20 | Mildthryth | Gentle Strength |
21 | Osburh | God’s Fort |
22 | Osith | Divine Strength |
23 | Redburga | Counsel Fortress |
24 | Saebehrt | Sea Bright |
25 | Thryth | Power, Strength, Beauty |
26 | Wulfrun | Wolf Shield |
27 | Wynflaed | Joyful Beauty |
28 | Wynflaed | Joyful Beauty |
29 | Aelfwynn | Elf Joy |
30 | Aethelburh | Noble Protection |
31 | Beornwulf | Bear Wolf |
32 | Ceolburh | Ship Protection |
33 | Cynewyn | Royal Joy |
34 | Ealdhild | Old Battle |
35 | Ealhswith | Elf Strength |
36 | Eormenburh | Noble Enclosure |
37 | Ethelreda | Noble Counsel |
38 | Freawine | Noble Friend |
39 | Godric | God Ruler |
40 | Hildegyth | Battle Strength |
41 | Hrothgar | Famous Spear |
42 | Leofwynn | Beloved Joy |
43 | Mildred | Gentle Counsel |
44 | Osfrith | God’s Peace |
45 | Osyth | Divine Battle |
46 | Redwald | Counsel Power |
47 | Saeberht | Sea Bright |
48 | Thrydwulf | Strength of the People |
49 | Wulfsige | Victory Wolf |
50 | Wynsige | Joyful Victory |
Read more: Ancient Anglo-Saxon Names for Boys with Meanings
20 Famous Anglo-Saxon Queens and Princesses
In the rich tapestry of history, the Anglo-Saxon era stands as a significant chapter, characterized by its own distinctive culture, rulers, and notable figures. Among the remarkable individuals of this period were the queens and princesses who played pivotal roles in shaping the destiny of their kingdoms. In this exploration, we delve into the lives and legacies of 20 famous Anglo-Saxon queens and princesses, shedding light on their titles, significance, and the meanings behind their names.
No. | Name | Title | Meaning |
1 | Aethelburg | Queen | Noble Protection |
2 | Aethelgifu | Princess | Noble Gift |
3 | Aethelthryth | Queen | Noble Strength |
4 | Aelfflaed | Princess | Elf Beauty |
5 | Aelfgifu | Queen | Elf Gift |
6 | Aelfthryth | Queen | Noble Strength |
7 | Aethelswith | Queen | Noble Strength |
8 | Cwenburga | Princess | Queen’s Castle |
9 | Eadburg | Princess | Wealthy Protection |
10 | Eadgyth | Queen | Prosperous Battle |
11 | Eadburh | Queen | Prosperous Protection |
12 | Eadith | Princess | Prosperous Gift |
13 | Ealdgyth | Queen | Old Strength |
14 | Ealhwyn | Princess | Noble Friend |
15 | Edith | Princess | Rich Gift |
16 | Ethelberta | Queen | Noble Brightness |
17 | Frithuswith | Queen | Peaceful Strength |
18 | Hildburg | Princess | Battle Fortress |
19 | Hrothwyn | Princess | Famous Joy |
20 | Leofric | Princess | Beloved Ruler |
How Widely Are Ancient Anglo-Saxon Names for Girls Used?
Ancient Anglo-Saxon names for girls hold a unique charm, resonating with a rich historical and cultural heritage. While these names may not be as commonly used in modern times as more contemporary choices, they still maintain a presence, often cherished by families who appreciate their historical significance. Some Anglo-Saxon names have experienced a resurgence in popularity as parents seek out distinctive and meaningful names for their children.
The extent to which these names are used varies, with some being quite rare and others enjoying a bit more popularity. Ultimately, the choice of an Anglo-Saxon name for a girl reflects a deep appreciation for history and tradition, making them a timeless option for those who seek a name with a sense of enduring legacy.

Hello! I’m Sophia Roberts, born in 1985 and working as a midwife. I also create unique and meaningful baby names, believing a name is a lifelong gift. I explore the details of letters, dates, cultures, and faiths to craft names that reflect a child’s potential and purpose, seeing them as a guide to their identity and aspirations.